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There are a few util methods for reducing code duplication.


withMapper() takes either an array or a object, and a mapper function to create manipulators with each item.

// 1 2 3 4 5
withMapper(['⌘', '⌥', '⌃', '⇧', '⇪'])((k, i) =>
map((i + 1) as NumberKeyValue).toPaste(k),
c: 'Calendar',
f: 'Finder',
})((k, v) => map(k, 'Meh').toApp(v)),
Generated JSON
"description": "mappers",
"manipulators": [
"type": "basic",
"from": {"key_code": "1"},
"to": [{"shell_command": "osascript -e '\nset prev to the clipboard\nset the clipboard to \"⌘\"\ntell application \"System Events\"\n keystroke \"v\" using command down\n delay 0.1\nend tell\nset the clipboard to prev'"}]
"type": "basic",
"from": {"key_code": "2"},
"to": [{"shell_command": "osascript -e '\nset prev to the clipboard\nset the clipboard to \"⌥\"\ntell application \"System Events\"\n keystroke \"v\" using command down\n delay 0.1\nend tell\nset the clipboard to prev'"}]
"type": "basic",
"from": {"key_code": "3"},
"to": [{"shell_command": "osascript -e '\nset prev to the clipboard\nset the clipboard to \"⌃\"\ntell application \"System Events\"\n keystroke \"v\" using command down\n delay 0.1\nend tell\nset the clipboard to prev'"}]
"type": "basic",
"from": {"key_code": "4"},
"to": [{"shell_command": "osascript -e '\nset prev to the clipboard\nset the clipboard to \"⇧\"\ntell application \"System Events\"\n keystroke \"v\" using command down\n delay 0.1\nend tell\nset the clipboard to prev'"}]
"type": "basic",
"from": {"key_code": "5"},
"to": [{"shell_command": "osascript -e '\nset prev to the clipboard\nset the clipboard to \"⇪\"\ntell application \"System Events\"\n keystroke \"v\" using command down\n delay 0.1\nend tell\nset the clipboard to prev'"}]
"type": "basic",
"from": {"key_code": "c", "modifiers": {"mandatory": ["option", "control", "shift"]}},
"to": [{"shell_command": "open -a \"Calendar\".app"}]
"type": "basic",
"from": {"key_code": "f", "modifiers": {"mandatory": ["option", "control", "shift"]}},
"to": [{"shell_command": "open -a \"Finder\".app"}]

Most of the time withMapper() method can infer the type from the array or object. However it only infer the object value as generic types like string, which is sometimes not enough for the mappers. To solve this you can either manually add the types to the method call, or add as const on the object.

withMapper<FromKeyParam, ToKeyParam>({})(/* ... */)
withMapper({} as const)(/* ... */)

as const is simpler to add; the benefit of adding types to the method is code completion when writing the object.


withCondition() is useful when a subset of manipulators inside a rule or layer/simlayer share the same condition(s).

withCondition(ifDevice({ product_id: 1 }))([
withCondition(ifDevice({ product_id: 2 }))([
Generated JSON
"description": "conditions",
"manipulators": [
"type": "basic",
"from": {"key_code": "a"},
"to": [{"key_code": "x"}],
"conditions": [{"type": "device_if", "identifiers": [{"product_id": 1}]}]
"type": "basic",
"from": {"key_code": "a"},
"to": [{"key_code": "y"}],
"conditions": [{"type": "device_if", "identifiers": [{"product_id": 2}]}]


withModifier()add the same modifiers to a group of manipulators.

map(1, '⌘').to('a'),
map(1, '⌥').to('b'),
Generated JSON
"description": "modifiers",
"manipulators": [
"type": "basic",
"from": {"key_code": "1", "modifiers": {"mandatory": ["command"], "optional": ["any"]}},
"to": [{"key_code": "a"}]
"type": "basic",
"from": {"key_code": "1", "modifiers": {"mandatory": ["option"], "optional": ["any"]}},
"to": [{"key_code": "b"}]